[1] ISO 704 Terminology work - Principles and methods
[2] ISO 1087-1 Terminology work - Vocabulary - Part 1: Theory and application
[3] ISO 3534-2 Statistics - Vocabulary and symbols - Part 2: Applied statistics
[4] ISO 9001:2000 Quality management systems - Requirements
[5] ISO 9004:2000 Quality management systems - Guidelines for performance improvements
[6] ISO 10012 Measurement management systems - Requirements for measurement processes and measuring equipment
[7] ISO/TR 10013 Guidelines for quality management system documentation
[8] ISO/TR 10017 Guidance on statistical techniques for ISO 9001:2000
[9] ISO 10019 Guidelines for the selection of quality management system consultants and use of their services
[10] ISO 10241 International terminology standards - Preparation and layout
[11] ISO/TR 13425 Guidelines for the selection of statistical methods in standardization and specification
[12] ISO/IEC 17000 Conformity assessment - Vocabulary and general principles
[13] ISO 19011 Guidelines for quality and/or environmental management systems auditing
[14] ISO/IEC Guide 2 Standardization and related activities - General vocabulary
[15] IEC 60050-191 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Chapter 191:Dependability and quality of service
[16] IEC 60050-191/A2:2002 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Chapter 191:Dependability and quality of service: Amendment 2
[17]VIM:1993 International vocabulary of basic and general terms in metrology, BIPM/IEC/ /IFCC/ISO/OIML/IUPAC/IUPAP
[18] Quality Management Principles Brochure
[19] ISO 9000+ISO 14000 News (a bimonthly publication which provides comprehensive coverage of international developments relating to ISO's management system standards, including news of their implementation by diverse organizations around the world)
[20] ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, Part 2:2004 and Supplement
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